Company History
Net-Soft Consult (T) Ltd Company HistoryNet-Soft Consult (T) Ltd Company Limited is a registered Company under the Company Ordinance (Cap. 212) as a Company Limited by Shareholding the Certificate of Incorporation No. 55382 given on 30th January 2006, with Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 104-791-913..
Experienced and dynamic Tanzanians each specialized in specific field founded the company. The primary aim is to regroup young, dynamic, talented and experienced personnel, specialized in business development and Information Technologies. The concerted efforts of the management of Net-Soft Consult Company Limited revolve around the doctrine “The excellence and competence center aimed to achieve maximum level of competence and excellence.”
The secret behind the success of the company is simply quality people and products. The total quality management of the organization has crossed boundaries and recognized for its dedication, attracted working arrangement with skilled, young, dynamic and qualified entrepreneur under the management team to tailored solutions to suit complexities of the various technological required by our customers.
Our Major Clients Base
Our Major Clients Base